Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention
The Safety and Well-Being of Children at the Y Are, and Always Will Be, Our Top Priority
Today we know:
- 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys in the U.S. experience sexual abuse by age 18.
- 90 percent of children abused know the abuser
- There are more than 42 million survivors of child sexual abuse in the U.S. Yet, many child victims may never disclose their abuse
- 1 in 5 children is solicited sexually on the Internet before 18
When adults collectively understand the risks and red flags of child sexual abuse, we can do more to keep kids safe. When we all take action, abuse is preventable.

Information & Resources
PLAY VIDEOChild Sex Abuse is an Adult Issue
One in 10 children in the U.S. will be sexually abused before the age of 18. Adults are responsible for the safety of children and adults should be taking proactive steps to protect children from sexual abuse. It is unrealistic to think that a child should be responsible for fending off sexual advances by an adult.
The 5 Steps to Protecting Children™ form a framework for preventing child sexual abuse. The steps will help you become aware of the scope of the issue, take actionable steps towards both preventing and responding to abuse, and create safer environments for the children in your life.
CLICK HERE to learn about the 5 Steps to Protecting Children
PLAY VIDEOKeeping Your Athlete Safe
With all of the parent responsibilities to juggle, what can parents do to make certain their young athlete is safe and thriving in the sports and coaching environment? Read the article in the link below to learn how to ensure your child’s boundaries are respected in an athletic setting.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Keeping Your Athlete Safe
PLAY VIDEOReporting Abuse
Maybe you have a suspicion that a child is being abused based on something you’ve witnessed, or a child has told you that abuse is happening. Either way, it’s your responsibility to report it to the authorities.
CLICK HERE to learn how to report suspected abuse