Planned Giving

YMCA Forever!

When you include the YMCA in your planned giving, you are investing in the mission and programs that you believe in for future generations. An endowment gift to the YMCA is one way you can make such a difference. By creating an endowment fund with the Santa Monica Family YMCA, or adding to our existing endowment, you can give a gift that lasts forever.

A $25,000 endowment generates a $1,000 annual gift perpetually
A $62,500 endowment generates a $2,500 annual gift perpetually
A $125,000 endowment generates a $5,000 annual gift perpetually
A $250,000 endowment generates $10,000 annual gift perpetually

Ways to Make a Planned Gift

Make an Outright Gift

Give to the YMCA’s endowment fund through cash, appreciated securities, or IRA charitable distribution.

Bequest In Your Will, Trust or Estate

Designate a portion of your will, trust or estate to the YMCA.

Name the YMCA as a Beneficiary

Name the YMCA as a beneficiary of a retirement fund, life insurance policy or charitable trust.

There are a Number of Planned Giving Options

Bequest in wills and trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts (annuity trusts, unitrusts, wealth replacement trust), Charitable Lead Trusts, Life Insurance, Beneficiary on Retirement funds (IRA’s or 401K accounts), and Life Estate Contracts.

YMCA’s Legacy Club

Your gift can last forever.

The YMCA’s Legacy Society is comprised of individuals and families who believe strongly in the mission of the YMCA and help to preserve the good work of the YMCA through a direct gift or planned gift to the YMCA Endowment Fund. Gifts to the Endowment Fund may be made on behalf of the Santa Monica Family YMCA or to support a specific program.

Individuals can qualify as a member of the Legacy Society by the following methods:

  • An outright gift to the YMCA’s Endowment Fund through cash, appreciated securities or IRA distribution
  • Bequest in will, living trust or estate
  • Name the YMCA as a beneficiary of IRA or retirement plan, life insurance policy or charitable trust

Named Endowment Funds

With a $25,000 gift, a donor can establish a named endowment that carries on their legacy for years to come.

Ken Davis Memorial Fund

Ken Davis was a YMCA staff member for more than 5 years. His love for children was apparent as he worked with our Afterschool Care, Youth Soccer, Youth Basketball and Summer Camp programs. Ken’s uplifting words and positive attitude touched many children, families and friends of the Y. Donations to this fund are used for summer camp scholarships. Children who would not otherwise be able to attend camp are able to have a summer camp experience that they will remember for years to come.

William H. Craig Memorial Fund

Dr. William H. Craig served the YMCA for more than 20 years. He served two terms as President and more than 15 years on the Board of Directors. He loved all programs at the YMCA especially those involving youth. Today the fund supports the YMCA’s Girls on the Run and Stride programs, a camper sponsorship for Victory Junction, and the YMCA Endowment Fund.

Memorial Funds

Memorial Funds are established when giving in memory of another. These funds are used for operational or programmatic support. Click here to read more about these funds made in memory of the following friends of the YMCA:

Steve Barone Memorial Fund
Joe Bradley Memorial Fund
Nelson Britto Memorial Fund
Steven Cooper Memorial Fund
Erie Hobbie Memorial Fund
Robert Hodges Memorial Fund
Robert Ledbetter Memorial Fund
Ed Peters Memorial Fund
Henry Singletary Memorial Fund
Bill Stanfield Memorial Fund

Next Steps

  1. Contact Sarah Gibbs at 910-251-9622 x245 or to discuss endowed gifts.
  2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  3. If you include the YMCA of Southeastern North Carolina in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Organization Information

Legal name
Young Men’s Christian Association of Southeastern North Carolina, Inc.

Nonprofit Status
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

PO Box 3467 Wilmington, NC 28406

Federal tax ID number

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